Cell Salts: An Essential Facilitator for Good Health
Cell Salts are a group of homeopathic remedies made from minerals. They actually address health at a cellular level. The body requires a proper balance of essential minerals to feed the cells and if certain cells are deprived of these minerals, an imbalance may be the result. An imbalance in these cells may lead to disease in the tissues that are lacking. Cell Salts balance the mineral in the body and help the body's utilization of the mineral from concentrations in the blood and minerals from food and supplements. Cell Salts are an essential facilitator for good health.
There are 12 different cell salts found in the tissues of the human body. I offer a cell salt line which consists of 14 different products in 22 different homeopathic potencies. As with all homeopathics, these mineral combinations must be in special potentiation to be most usable to the body.
All tinctures above are 1 oz $8.00
Biochemic Phosphates - This blend of the five phosphates (calcium phosphate, potassium phosphate, sodium phosphate, ferric pyrophosphate, magnesium phosphate) is recommended for functional nervous disturbances and brain fatigue due to overwork and worry. 2 oz. 14.00
Bioplasma - This balanced combination of all 12 cell salts gives blanket protection against deficiencies. 2 oz. 14.00
Cell Salts are a group of homeopathic remedies made from minerals. They actually address health at a cellular level. The body requires a proper balance of essential minerals to feed the cells and if certain cells are deprived of these minerals, an imbalance may be the result. An imbalance in these cells may lead to disease in the tissues that are lacking. Cell Salts balance the mineral in the body and help the body's utilization of the mineral from concentrations in the blood and minerals from food and supplements. Cell Salts are an essential facilitator for good health.
There are 12 different cell salts found in the tissues of the human body. I offer a cell salt line which consists of 14 different products in 22 different homeopathic potencies. As with all homeopathics, these mineral combinations must be in special potentiation to be most usable to the body.
All tinctures above are 1 oz $8.00
- Silicon dioxide (silicea) - Silica is found in the hair, nails and other connective tissues in the body. It is the insulator of the nerves and helps protect them. 2 oz. 14.00
Biochemic Phosphates - This blend of the five phosphates (calcium phosphate, potassium phosphate, sodium phosphate, ferric pyrophosphate, magnesium phosphate) is recommended for functional nervous disturbances and brain fatigue due to overwork and worry. 2 oz. 14.00
Bioplasma - This balanced combination of all 12 cell salts gives blanket protection against deficiencies. 2 oz. 14.00
Introduction to Phenolics
Runny noses and persistent post-nasal drips are often the result of the body's reaction to simple components of food or pollen molecules called phenolics.
Intolerance to phenolics cause a wide variety of complaints, including:
The Real Allergens
Following is a brief introduction to the effects of these six-sided chemical rings that are part of basic food and pollen molecules phenolics. Phenolics include amino acids, hormones and neuro-chemicals.
Conventional medicine describes allergies as "reactions caused by the production of IgE antibodies to inhaled foreign proteins," according to Martin D. Chapman, Ph.D. Dr. Chapman's statement is true, to an extent, but delving deeper into chemistry we learn that these phenolics which are attached to protein molecules are proving to be the real culprits. One well known phenolic is urushiol, found in poison ivy and poison oak. Contact with poison ivy or poison oak produces severe rashes and itching known as urushiol-induced contact dermatitis.
Proteins and Amino Acids
Proteins are largely comprised of amino acids. Three common amino acids are phenylalanine, tyrosine, and tryptophan and most proteins contain one or more of these amino acids. Biochemical metabolites of these types of amino acids result in such pharmacologically active chemicals as histamine, serotonin, tryptamine, tyramine, and dopamine. Unfortunately, many researchers have ignored the effects of phenolics as allergens.
Food and pollen allergy studies over the past two decades suggest more attention should be focused on phenolics and not exclusively on proteins.
Examples of phenolic influences are manifest in the smell of a rose or the color of its petal. Most perfumes, many cooking odors, and many chemical smells are phenolic compounds. The purple color of a grape comes from the phenolic malvin. The spicy taste and smell of cinnamon is the phenolic cinnamic acid. Using apples as an example, any one or a combination of the phenolics in apples can cause serious allergic or autoimmune reactions. Determining which phenolics are the culprits and how to deal with these reactions are the all-important questions.
The good news is that phenolics administered homeopathically can induce the body's immune system to protect itself from these phenolics and learn once again to regard them as normal and not foreign or poisonous substances. Phenolics are understood to be allergens independent of proteins. Stich cited about 175 references to show that a number of well-known simple phenolic compounds have both beneficial and hazardous effects on people.
A Biochemist's Life-saving Quest
Let us introduce you to Robert W. Gardner, Ph.D. He is a biochemist and professor emeritus of Animal Science at Brigham Young University and a pioneer in the study of phenolics. In his monumental work, Chemical Intolerance: Physiological Causes and Effects and Treatment Modalities, Dr. Gardner showed, with hundreds of trials, that a phenolic approach utilizing homeopathic dilutions to desensitize was more effective than traditional allergy treatment.
Let's go back to the beginning… Years ago Dr. Gardner was afflicted with progressively worsening and nearly fatal food intolerance. Nearly everything he ingested caused one or more serious adverse reactions. He had lost significant weight and was sickly and frail. After undergoing conventional medical treatments, including exploratory surgery, he was assured that his energy-sapping diarrhea and constant abdominal upset were due to "nerves" and a "blushing colon." There was no solution in sight.
Dr. Gardner was subsequently referred to Dr. Ray Wixom, an allergist in Las Vegas, Nevada. After a period of testing and treatment with no results, Dr. Wixom challenged him to seek solutions for himself. It was suggested that as a biochemist, perhaps he could find answers that eluded the physicians.
His subsequent search of the literature published on pharmacological effects of phenolics (he had been told he was sensitive to phenolics) caused him to pursue phenolics as the causal factors of adverse responses to food.
Dr. Gardner read work by Singleton and Kratzer which listed over 800 phenolic substances of plant origin. Their 1969 paper, Toxicology and Related Physiological Activity of Phenolic Substances of Plant Origin, includes this quotation:
"Phenols appear generally toxic if natural barriers or detoxification mechanisms are overloaded by amount, circumvented by the manner of administration, or foiled by uncommon compounds such as methylene dieters or isoprenoid structures."Singleton and Kratzer also referred to a symposium held in 1959 at the Oxford University in England, in which the pharmacology of plant phenols was discussed. This group concluded that "phenolics prolong the life and intensity of cellular responses to epinephrine and norepinephrine, etc. They each act as cardiac stimulants and produce tachycardia. Nicotine, a hetroaromatic compound, was observed to have pronounced effects on biological membranes, i.e. it increases the permeability of these membranes to certain pharmacologically active substances, such as norepinephrine, epinephrine, dopamine, and others."
Dr. Gardner began taking sublingual doses of phenolic dilutions. He found that while most dilutions would cause reactive allergic responses -- adverse physical symptoms like heart rate increase, diarrhea, and other reactions, just the right level of dilution (called the neutralizing dose) would cause the symptoms to disappear entirely.
Initially, microgram amounts were needed and over an extended time period the dosage level increased to milligrams. Gardner's personal experiments with sublingual doses of phenolic compounds allowed him to overcome adverse reactions to most of his diet. He could enjoy foods which had made him ill. His life became normal, with a great improvement in vitality.
Correlating Phenolics to Disease
Phenolics are essential to life as we know it, but when metabolized incorrectly, they can cause major and minor physical, mental, and emotional disturbances in a large number of patients. Here are a few examples of the effects of some simple phenolics found in everyday foods. These summaries and observations were given in a paper by Abram Ber published in 1983 on the basis of his clinical experience. Quotations from Dr. Ber's paper include:
Coumarin is found in some 30 foods, including wheat, rice, barley, corn, soy cheese, beef, and eggs. It has been found to have a large effect on asthmatics who, almost universally experience coumarin intolerance. Neutralization of all the phenolics, especially coumarin, has resulted in significant relief for 20 asthmatics treated... Coumarin contributes to arthritis and tested positive with 13 out of 18 arthritics. There is also a direct correlation between coumarin and those complaining of low back and cervical neck pain.
Cinnamic Acid is found in approximately 22 foods, especially fruits, cheese, lettuce, and tomatoes… It is commonly found … with common dermatological problems including acne, eczema and psoriasis, with bladder problems, especially enuresis, and recurrent cystitis, (and) with chronic fatigue.
Gallic Acid is found in some 70% of all foods, including food coloring agents and is, unquestionably, the most important of all phenolics. Neutralization of gallic acid is the basis of the Feingold Diet which eliminates salicylates. Instead of making a child's life miserable utilizing a restrictive diet, neutralization of gallic acid is less traumatic. Frequently, parents often report a marked improvement in their child's school performance and a normalization of hyperactivity. It neutralizes the craving for sweets that is prevalent in so many of these dyslexic children. Gallic acid has effects upon the muscular skeletal system (14 out of 18 arthritics), the lower back, the main contributor to sciatica, and chronic severe chest pain which is non-cardiac and seems to originate in the thoracic wall and is non-cardiac in origin.Ber tested and treated with 24 phenolics in hundreds of patients between November 1982 and August 1983 and reported "vast improvement in a majority of his patients." While Dr. Ber's remarks lack the rigor of double blind clinical trials, they do indicate the scope of consideration in phenolic neutralization.
Mixing Phenolics
Combinations of phenolics trigger allergic responses. Salsolinol is a product of natural fermentation in some plants and alcoholic beverages. It is a metabolic catecholamine in many animals and is considered to be a logical derivative of dopamine.
When the body does not metabolize salsolinol the result can be obsessive-compulsive behavior according to Joyce Baker, ND, BSN. She says people with this behavior are "like a housewife who has to clean every speck of dust off the floor or they can't rest. Children's rooms have to be absolutely immaculate." This type of person overdoes everything from business to pleasure and often experiences depression and anxiety.
Many people with a reaction to salsolinol crave sweets, carbohydrates and alcohol. They often find themselves driving to the store specifically to get that candy bar or bottle of beer. This imbalance also effects short-term memory. Such patients constantly forget why they went into a room and they make lists or write things down immediately or they're forgotten. Intolerance to salsolinol, according to Baker, often indicates imbalances in the functions of the thymus, pancreas, and kidneys. These organs must be supported in conjunction with salsolinol therapy to help speed the healing process in addictive chocolate cravings, alcohol cravings, and in calming obsessive behaviors.
Cow's milk is ranked as one of the most allergenic foods in the entire human diet. Substantial proportions of the forage in a cow's diet are phenolics. When coupled with fermentation products from the rumen, a large amount of phenolic materials must be excreted by the cow. Milk is one excretory route. Milk then contains a large array of very reactive phenolic compounds.
"When we developed the concept of phenolic therapy, we were amazed at how many ways there were for people to respond to the chemicals we used," says Dr. Gardner. "They could make you happy or sad, fight a virus or grow hair faster. Phenolics are (an essential part of) what we are. They give us the ability to keep ourselves in balance with our surroundings. No change in the body is possible without a phenolic being involved." When we are out of balance with our surroundings and our health, a phenolic in therapy might well be indicated.
Examples in Modern Practice
Reference has been made to various studies by Dr. Ber where he implicated phenolic sensitivities in a wide variety of maladies including schizophrenia, diabetes, hypoglycemia, hyperactivity, learning disabilities, migraine headaches, allergies, and even depression.
Of course, Dr. Ber's claims need to be tested further in more carefully controlled trials. Nevertheless, this statement of his should not be ignored: "the treatment has been particularly successful with infants and children with:
Is this too much to expect? According to Dr. Joyce Baker the answer is, "Probably not." She further states, "Phenolic therapy is a new and refreshing way to relieve a variety of symptoms for clients of all ages."
Following are a few of the case histories Dr. Baker has experienced:
A 72 year old female presented good health except for Parkinson's-like tremors of the right hand. The tremors caused the entire hand to be in constant movement. The client had not taken any therapeutic drugs at this point. Then she was given dopamine (phenolic) at one drop, three times a day, at first, increasing by one drop every few days. Within three days the client felt a slowing of tremors. By the fourth week the tremors were 70% improved. At the 4th week visit the client was given dopamine 200c at five drops three times a day. By the tenth week all tremors had been quieted. By that time the dopamine only had to be used 5 drops once every 1 to 2 days to control the tremors. This Amish client was very pleased with the results as he preferred not to use any drug therapy.
Another interesting case involved a 26 year old female who had been put on Prozac for suicidal depression. She hoped to get weaned off Prozac eventually. Electro-dermal Screening showed a need for the phenolics serotonin and tryptophan. She also showed a need for Vitamin B complex as well as essential fatty acid deficiencies. She had very cold hands and feet along with PMS, suggested low thyroid function. Her auxiliary temperature was 97.1 F. She was given Neuro I, which is a homeopathic combination including serotonin and tryptophan, B-complex, omega oils, and thyroid tissue extract. Sepia and ignatia were also given in high potencies.
This patient showed a 100% change in panic episodes in 6 weeks; however, her depressive state was improved about 40%. Another bottle of Neuro I was given at 200 C potency. The client no longer needed the B-complex or the essential fatty acids. Thyroid support continued. The Neuro I was "teaching" her body to use serotonin and tryptophan again and she was given the proper nutrients and classical homeopathics to stimulate her endocrine system. In 4 months this patient presented a far different and much healthier picture. She experienced normal menstruation, showed a renewed interest in men, had normal energy, and no longer needed Prozac. This patient came from a family with a strong history of depression. She now carries a smile that would indicate she had finally found the happiness she had been seeking.
Another clinician, Dr. Craig Wagstaff, has used phenolics in his practices in Canada and Los Angeles for decades with significant success. One case he described as follows:
A 25 year old female came to his clinic complaining of migraine headaches which began approximately one week before menses. This was a pattern that began when menstruation first occurred about the age of 13. The patient had looked for help from other physicians without success. Over the last two years there had been increasing experiences with non-migraine headaches as well as non-cyclical migraines.
On testing, it was discovered that she was sensitive to tyramine, which is a common naturally occurring phenolic in food. Tyramine has been associated with triggering migraine headaches. She was advised to avoid foods containing tyramine and was treated with homeopathic tyramine. Following treatment the general headaches and the non-cyclical migraines ceased but cyclical migraines continued. Further testing determined she was sensitive to progesterone and apiol. Desensitizing the patient with progesterone and apiol homeopathics caused elimination of the migraine episodes with only an occasional mild headache remaining. In addition, the patient also reported a general diminishing of all other premenstrual symptoms.
The work of identifying the symptoms associated with common food phenolics led to the discovery of vast symptom pools that were previously denied to be associated with allergies or autoimmune responses. The fact that practitioners can now determine and negate the allergy is extraordinary in itself. The value now is this therapy has the potential of creating a standard approach to the treatment of allergies.
The result of Dr. Gardner's work has been of great benefit to many people besides himself. Many hundreds of patients who heretofore had been unable to find relief from their symptoms now have simple, inexpensive options to relieve their suffering.
Phenolic therapy offers a wide array of options for the treatment of allergies and other health problems. Like other treatment modalities, however, successful use of these important tools requires careful study. Enough evaluation and clinical experience has been accomplished, however, to offer the health practitioner reasonable confidence that such therapy is invaluable.
Clinicians who have studied and embraced homeopathic phenolic therapy are generally positive in their support of such therapy. The body of evidence continues to grow that substantiates phenolics are valuable in treating symptoms associated with a wide array of diseases which are otherwise difficult to diagnose and treat.
Runny noses and persistent post-nasal drips are often the result of the body's reaction to simple components of food or pollen molecules called phenolics.
Intolerance to phenolics cause a wide variety of complaints, including:
- Chocolate gives me headaches
- My joints ache after eating tomatoes
- Eating nuts causes my tongue to swell and my mouth to blister
- Oranges give me diarrhea
- I think I'm allergic to carpet
- Abdominal Pain
- Depression
- constipation
- Insomnia
- Muscle Pain
- Poor Concentration
- Bloating and Gas
- Diarrhea
- Fatigue
- Irritability
- Nausea
- Arrhythmias
- Autism
- Dyslexia
- Hyperactivity
- Insomnia
- Mental Retardation
- Asthma
- Colitis
- Enuresis
- Hypertension
- Menstrual Disorders
- Skin Problems
The Real Allergens
Following is a brief introduction to the effects of these six-sided chemical rings that are part of basic food and pollen molecules phenolics. Phenolics include amino acids, hormones and neuro-chemicals.
Conventional medicine describes allergies as "reactions caused by the production of IgE antibodies to inhaled foreign proteins," according to Martin D. Chapman, Ph.D. Dr. Chapman's statement is true, to an extent, but delving deeper into chemistry we learn that these phenolics which are attached to protein molecules are proving to be the real culprits. One well known phenolic is urushiol, found in poison ivy and poison oak. Contact with poison ivy or poison oak produces severe rashes and itching known as urushiol-induced contact dermatitis.
Proteins and Amino Acids
Proteins are largely comprised of amino acids. Three common amino acids are phenylalanine, tyrosine, and tryptophan and most proteins contain one or more of these amino acids. Biochemical metabolites of these types of amino acids result in such pharmacologically active chemicals as histamine, serotonin, tryptamine, tyramine, and dopamine. Unfortunately, many researchers have ignored the effects of phenolics as allergens.
Food and pollen allergy studies over the past two decades suggest more attention should be focused on phenolics and not exclusively on proteins.
Examples of phenolic influences are manifest in the smell of a rose or the color of its petal. Most perfumes, many cooking odors, and many chemical smells are phenolic compounds. The purple color of a grape comes from the phenolic malvin. The spicy taste and smell of cinnamon is the phenolic cinnamic acid. Using apples as an example, any one or a combination of the phenolics in apples can cause serious allergic or autoimmune reactions. Determining which phenolics are the culprits and how to deal with these reactions are the all-important questions.
The good news is that phenolics administered homeopathically can induce the body's immune system to protect itself from these phenolics and learn once again to regard them as normal and not foreign or poisonous substances. Phenolics are understood to be allergens independent of proteins. Stich cited about 175 references to show that a number of well-known simple phenolic compounds have both beneficial and hazardous effects on people.
A Biochemist's Life-saving Quest
Let us introduce you to Robert W. Gardner, Ph.D. He is a biochemist and professor emeritus of Animal Science at Brigham Young University and a pioneer in the study of phenolics. In his monumental work, Chemical Intolerance: Physiological Causes and Effects and Treatment Modalities, Dr. Gardner showed, with hundreds of trials, that a phenolic approach utilizing homeopathic dilutions to desensitize was more effective than traditional allergy treatment.
Let's go back to the beginning… Years ago Dr. Gardner was afflicted with progressively worsening and nearly fatal food intolerance. Nearly everything he ingested caused one or more serious adverse reactions. He had lost significant weight and was sickly and frail. After undergoing conventional medical treatments, including exploratory surgery, he was assured that his energy-sapping diarrhea and constant abdominal upset were due to "nerves" and a "blushing colon." There was no solution in sight.
Dr. Gardner was subsequently referred to Dr. Ray Wixom, an allergist in Las Vegas, Nevada. After a period of testing and treatment with no results, Dr. Wixom challenged him to seek solutions for himself. It was suggested that as a biochemist, perhaps he could find answers that eluded the physicians.
His subsequent search of the literature published on pharmacological effects of phenolics (he had been told he was sensitive to phenolics) caused him to pursue phenolics as the causal factors of adverse responses to food.
Dr. Gardner read work by Singleton and Kratzer which listed over 800 phenolic substances of plant origin. Their 1969 paper, Toxicology and Related Physiological Activity of Phenolic Substances of Plant Origin, includes this quotation:
"Phenols appear generally toxic if natural barriers or detoxification mechanisms are overloaded by amount, circumvented by the manner of administration, or foiled by uncommon compounds such as methylene dieters or isoprenoid structures."Singleton and Kratzer also referred to a symposium held in 1959 at the Oxford University in England, in which the pharmacology of plant phenols was discussed. This group concluded that "phenolics prolong the life and intensity of cellular responses to epinephrine and norepinephrine, etc. They each act as cardiac stimulants and produce tachycardia. Nicotine, a hetroaromatic compound, was observed to have pronounced effects on biological membranes, i.e. it increases the permeability of these membranes to certain pharmacologically active substances, such as norepinephrine, epinephrine, dopamine, and others."
Dr. Gardner began taking sublingual doses of phenolic dilutions. He found that while most dilutions would cause reactive allergic responses -- adverse physical symptoms like heart rate increase, diarrhea, and other reactions, just the right level of dilution (called the neutralizing dose) would cause the symptoms to disappear entirely.
Initially, microgram amounts were needed and over an extended time period the dosage level increased to milligrams. Gardner's personal experiments with sublingual doses of phenolic compounds allowed him to overcome adverse reactions to most of his diet. He could enjoy foods which had made him ill. His life became normal, with a great improvement in vitality.
Correlating Phenolics to Disease
Phenolics are essential to life as we know it, but when metabolized incorrectly, they can cause major and minor physical, mental, and emotional disturbances in a large number of patients. Here are a few examples of the effects of some simple phenolics found in everyday foods. These summaries and observations were given in a paper by Abram Ber published in 1983 on the basis of his clinical experience. Quotations from Dr. Ber's paper include:
Coumarin is found in some 30 foods, including wheat, rice, barley, corn, soy cheese, beef, and eggs. It has been found to have a large effect on asthmatics who, almost universally experience coumarin intolerance. Neutralization of all the phenolics, especially coumarin, has resulted in significant relief for 20 asthmatics treated... Coumarin contributes to arthritis and tested positive with 13 out of 18 arthritics. There is also a direct correlation between coumarin and those complaining of low back and cervical neck pain.
Cinnamic Acid is found in approximately 22 foods, especially fruits, cheese, lettuce, and tomatoes… It is commonly found … with common dermatological problems including acne, eczema and psoriasis, with bladder problems, especially enuresis, and recurrent cystitis, (and) with chronic fatigue.
Gallic Acid is found in some 70% of all foods, including food coloring agents and is, unquestionably, the most important of all phenolics. Neutralization of gallic acid is the basis of the Feingold Diet which eliminates salicylates. Instead of making a child's life miserable utilizing a restrictive diet, neutralization of gallic acid is less traumatic. Frequently, parents often report a marked improvement in their child's school performance and a normalization of hyperactivity. It neutralizes the craving for sweets that is prevalent in so many of these dyslexic children. Gallic acid has effects upon the muscular skeletal system (14 out of 18 arthritics), the lower back, the main contributor to sciatica, and chronic severe chest pain which is non-cardiac and seems to originate in the thoracic wall and is non-cardiac in origin.Ber tested and treated with 24 phenolics in hundreds of patients between November 1982 and August 1983 and reported "vast improvement in a majority of his patients." While Dr. Ber's remarks lack the rigor of double blind clinical trials, they do indicate the scope of consideration in phenolic neutralization.
Mixing Phenolics
Combinations of phenolics trigger allergic responses. Salsolinol is a product of natural fermentation in some plants and alcoholic beverages. It is a metabolic catecholamine in many animals and is considered to be a logical derivative of dopamine.
When the body does not metabolize salsolinol the result can be obsessive-compulsive behavior according to Joyce Baker, ND, BSN. She says people with this behavior are "like a housewife who has to clean every speck of dust off the floor or they can't rest. Children's rooms have to be absolutely immaculate." This type of person overdoes everything from business to pleasure and often experiences depression and anxiety.
Many people with a reaction to salsolinol crave sweets, carbohydrates and alcohol. They often find themselves driving to the store specifically to get that candy bar or bottle of beer. This imbalance also effects short-term memory. Such patients constantly forget why they went into a room and they make lists or write things down immediately or they're forgotten. Intolerance to salsolinol, according to Baker, often indicates imbalances in the functions of the thymus, pancreas, and kidneys. These organs must be supported in conjunction with salsolinol therapy to help speed the healing process in addictive chocolate cravings, alcohol cravings, and in calming obsessive behaviors.
Cow's milk is ranked as one of the most allergenic foods in the entire human diet. Substantial proportions of the forage in a cow's diet are phenolics. When coupled with fermentation products from the rumen, a large amount of phenolic materials must be excreted by the cow. Milk is one excretory route. Milk then contains a large array of very reactive phenolic compounds.
"When we developed the concept of phenolic therapy, we were amazed at how many ways there were for people to respond to the chemicals we used," says Dr. Gardner. "They could make you happy or sad, fight a virus or grow hair faster. Phenolics are (an essential part of) what we are. They give us the ability to keep ourselves in balance with our surroundings. No change in the body is possible without a phenolic being involved." When we are out of balance with our surroundings and our health, a phenolic in therapy might well be indicated.
Examples in Modern Practice
Reference has been made to various studies by Dr. Ber where he implicated phenolic sensitivities in a wide variety of maladies including schizophrenia, diabetes, hypoglycemia, hyperactivity, learning disabilities, migraine headaches, allergies, and even depression.
Of course, Dr. Ber's claims need to be tested further in more carefully controlled trials. Nevertheless, this statement of his should not be ignored: "the treatment has been particularly successful with infants and children with:
- Abdominal Pain
- Autism
- Enuresis
- Hyperactivity
- Mental Retardation
- Asthma
- Dyslexia
- Headaches
- Insomnia
- Respiratory Allergies
- Arrhythmias
- Asthma
- Constipation
- Fatigue
- Menstrual Disorders
- Skin Problems
- Arthritis
- Colitis
- Depression
- Hypertension
- Migraines
Is this too much to expect? According to Dr. Joyce Baker the answer is, "Probably not." She further states, "Phenolic therapy is a new and refreshing way to relieve a variety of symptoms for clients of all ages."
Following are a few of the case histories Dr. Baker has experienced:
A 72 year old female presented good health except for Parkinson's-like tremors of the right hand. The tremors caused the entire hand to be in constant movement. The client had not taken any therapeutic drugs at this point. Then she was given dopamine (phenolic) at one drop, three times a day, at first, increasing by one drop every few days. Within three days the client felt a slowing of tremors. By the fourth week the tremors were 70% improved. At the 4th week visit the client was given dopamine 200c at five drops three times a day. By the tenth week all tremors had been quieted. By that time the dopamine only had to be used 5 drops once every 1 to 2 days to control the tremors. This Amish client was very pleased with the results as he preferred not to use any drug therapy.
Another interesting case involved a 26 year old female who had been put on Prozac for suicidal depression. She hoped to get weaned off Prozac eventually. Electro-dermal Screening showed a need for the phenolics serotonin and tryptophan. She also showed a need for Vitamin B complex as well as essential fatty acid deficiencies. She had very cold hands and feet along with PMS, suggested low thyroid function. Her auxiliary temperature was 97.1 F. She was given Neuro I, which is a homeopathic combination including serotonin and tryptophan, B-complex, omega oils, and thyroid tissue extract. Sepia and ignatia were also given in high potencies.
This patient showed a 100% change in panic episodes in 6 weeks; however, her depressive state was improved about 40%. Another bottle of Neuro I was given at 200 C potency. The client no longer needed the B-complex or the essential fatty acids. Thyroid support continued. The Neuro I was "teaching" her body to use serotonin and tryptophan again and she was given the proper nutrients and classical homeopathics to stimulate her endocrine system. In 4 months this patient presented a far different and much healthier picture. She experienced normal menstruation, showed a renewed interest in men, had normal energy, and no longer needed Prozac. This patient came from a family with a strong history of depression. She now carries a smile that would indicate she had finally found the happiness she had been seeking.
Another clinician, Dr. Craig Wagstaff, has used phenolics in his practices in Canada and Los Angeles for decades with significant success. One case he described as follows:
A 25 year old female came to his clinic complaining of migraine headaches which began approximately one week before menses. This was a pattern that began when menstruation first occurred about the age of 13. The patient had looked for help from other physicians without success. Over the last two years there had been increasing experiences with non-migraine headaches as well as non-cyclical migraines.
On testing, it was discovered that she was sensitive to tyramine, which is a common naturally occurring phenolic in food. Tyramine has been associated with triggering migraine headaches. She was advised to avoid foods containing tyramine and was treated with homeopathic tyramine. Following treatment the general headaches and the non-cyclical migraines ceased but cyclical migraines continued. Further testing determined she was sensitive to progesterone and apiol. Desensitizing the patient with progesterone and apiol homeopathics caused elimination of the migraine episodes with only an occasional mild headache remaining. In addition, the patient also reported a general diminishing of all other premenstrual symptoms.
The work of identifying the symptoms associated with common food phenolics led to the discovery of vast symptom pools that were previously denied to be associated with allergies or autoimmune responses. The fact that practitioners can now determine and negate the allergy is extraordinary in itself. The value now is this therapy has the potential of creating a standard approach to the treatment of allergies.
The result of Dr. Gardner's work has been of great benefit to many people besides himself. Many hundreds of patients who heretofore had been unable to find relief from their symptoms now have simple, inexpensive options to relieve their suffering.
Phenolic therapy offers a wide array of options for the treatment of allergies and other health problems. Like other treatment modalities, however, successful use of these important tools requires careful study. Enough evaluation and clinical experience has been accomplished, however, to offer the health practitioner reasonable confidence that such therapy is invaluable.
Clinicians who have studied and embraced homeopathic phenolic therapy are generally positive in their support of such therapy. The body of evidence continues to grow that substantiates phenolics are valuable in treating symptoms associated with a wide array of diseases which are otherwise difficult to diagnose and treat.
- Remington, D.W., Harper, D. D. April 1989. "Allergy Treatment with Phenolic Compounds," A copyrighted patient bulletin issued by Dr. Remington, 1675 North Freedom Blvd. Provo, UT.
- Martin D. Chapman, Ph.D., 1997, http://www.mdc8m/@virginia.edu
- Middleton, E., Jr., et al., 1993, ALLERGY Principles and Practice, Volumes I and II, Fourth Edition, Mosby, St. Louis
- Desmond, R.E. And Treutlein, J.J., 1981, Annals of Allergy, 46, 81ff.
- Stich, H.F., 1991, Mutation Research, 259, 307-324
- McGovern, J.J., et al., 1983, Arch. Otolaryngol, 109, 292-297.
- Gardner, R.W., 1994, Chemical Intolerance: Physiological Causes and Effects and Treatment Modalities, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, 1994.
- Singleton, V.L. And Kratzer, F.H., 1969, "Tocicology and Related Physiological Activity of Phenolic Substances of Plant Origen" J. Ag. Food Chem., 17, 479ff.
- Fairbairn, J.W. (Editor), 1959, Pharmacology of Plant Phenolics, Academic Press, New York.
- Ber, Abram, 1983 Neutralization of Phenolic (Aromatic) Food Compounds in a Holistic
- General Practice, The Journal of Orthomolecular Psychiatry, 12, (4), 283- 91.
- Baker, J. 1995, Taped interview.
- Gardner, R. W. loc. cit., p. 139.
- Fairbairn, J. W. (Editor), 1959, Pharmacology of Plant Phenolics, Academic Press, New York.
- Baker, Joyce, 1997 Private communication.
Introduction to Homeopathy
Excerpted from How Homeopathy Can Help by Ellen Hodgson Brown, J.D.
Like vaccination, homeopathy involves inoculation by challenge with a like toxin, inducing a mild reaction in the body by simulating the larger reaction constituting the disease. Homeopathic remedies consist of minute doses of natural substances -- mineral, plant or animal -- that if given to healthy people in larger doses would cause the symptoms the patient is experiencing. A nosode is a homeopathic remedy in which the "active" ingredient is diseased tissue or a disease-causing entity (virus, bacteria, parasite, etc.) that has been rendered sterile.
Where vaccination involves viral or bacterial macromolecules that can induce unwanted side effects, homeopathic remedies are without side effects because they are extremely dilute, at some strengths so dilute that no molecule of the original substance is likely to be left in solution. The remedies are repeatedly diluted and "succussed", or shaken vigorously with each dilution, to increase their vibratory field. The remedies work by stimulating the body's own healing energy, rather like a tuning fork that sets disharmonious chords back on track.
"Like cures like," the principle on which homeopathy is based, actually originated long before vaccines. It was formulated by Paracelsus in the sixteenth century. Samuel Christian Hahnemann, M.D. (1755-1843), the German physician who founded homeopathy, reformulated the principle in 1795, a year before Jenner made his cowpox vaccine discovery premised on the same theory.
Dr. Hahnemann was the first practitioner to use remedies prophylactically. He found that a girl whom he had treated with homeopathic Belladonna for an unrelated problem did not develop scarlet fever when the rest of her family got it. Then he found that "provings" of homeopathic Belladonna fit the disease picture of that particular epidemic of scarlet fever, and that by administering Belladonna he could both prevent and cure the disease. Other homeopaths later found that the remedy Ailanthus could prevent scarlet fever. Lathyrus was found to work against polio, Mercurius Cyanthus against diphtheria, Baptisia against typhoid fever. Other remedies were found to be effective against measles, mumps, chicken pox, hepatitis, and so forth.1
Homeopathy became the rage in Europe after cholera swept the Continent early in the nineteenth century. Hahnemann advocated the use of homeopathic Camphor to prevent or treat that disease at a time when he had never seen it but had only heard descriptions of its symptoms. The treatment proved to be remarkably successful. According to Julian Winston, editor in chief of Homeopathy Today, the mortality rate for cholera under conventional treatment in the 1830s was reported at between 40 percent and 80 percent. The mortality rate in London’s ten homeopathic hospitals during that decade was reported at 9 percent; in Bavaria, at 7 percent; in Russia, at 10 percent; and in Austria, at 33 percent (compared to 66 percent under conventional care).2
Cholera also swept the U.S. at that time, along with yellow fever, typhoid, and scarlet fever. When homeopathic treatment proved to be far more successful than conventional medicine in treating those epidemics, homeopathy spread like wildfire across the American continent. In 1844, the American Institute of Homeopathy was founded as the first national American medical society, preceding the American Medical Association (AMA) by several years.
Meanwhile, evidence for the effectiveness of homeopathic nosodes kept accumulating. In the United States during the 1850s, there were several epidemics of yellow fever in the southern states. Mortality from yellow fever using conventional medicine was reported at between 15 and 85 percent. Holcome and Davis, homeopaths in Natchez, reported a mortality of 6.43 percent and 5.73 percent, respectively, in yellow fever victims under homeopathic care during that period. In 1878 the mortality from the same epidemic in New Orleans was 50 percent under allopathic care versus 5.6 percent in 1,945 cases under homeopathic care.3 In the 1860s, a diphtheria epidemic struck. In the records of Broome County, New York, from 1862 to 1864, an 83.6 percent mortality rate was reported among victims treated conventionally, compared to a 16.4 percent mortality rate among those treated homeopathically.4
It could be argued that the disparity in these figures was due more to the nature of nineteenth century conventional treatment, with its emphasis on bloodletting and mercury compounds, than to the virtues of homeopathy itself. But homeopathy continued to score successes in the twentieth century. Its remarkable performance during the influenza epidemic of 1918 was reported in detail in an article in the May 1921 Journal of the American Institute for Homeopathy. Dr. T. A. McCann, of Dayton, Ohio, reported that 24,000 cases of flu treated allopathically had a mortality rate of 28.2 percent, while 26,000 cases of flu treated homeopathically had a mortality rate of 1.05 percent. The latter figure was supported by Dean W.A. Pearson of Philadelphia, who recorded the results of 26,795 cases of flu treated homeopathically. In Connecticut, 30 physicians reported 6,602 cases treated homeopathically with 55 deaths, or less than 1 percent.5
Nosodes also performed well in a number of twentieth century polio epidemics. In a 1956-58 study, a researcher named Heisfelder gave Lathyrus to over 6,000 children, in whom no cases of polio and no side effects were reported. Grimmer, a homeopath in Chicago, gave it to 5,000 young children, none of whom developed polio. In a polio epidemic in Buenos Aires in 1975, Lathyrus was given to 40,000 people with the same 100 percent success rate.
Excerpted from How Homeopathy Can Help by Ellen Hodgson Brown, J.D.
Like vaccination, homeopathy involves inoculation by challenge with a like toxin, inducing a mild reaction in the body by simulating the larger reaction constituting the disease. Homeopathic remedies consist of minute doses of natural substances -- mineral, plant or animal -- that if given to healthy people in larger doses would cause the symptoms the patient is experiencing. A nosode is a homeopathic remedy in which the "active" ingredient is diseased tissue or a disease-causing entity (virus, bacteria, parasite, etc.) that has been rendered sterile.
Where vaccination involves viral or bacterial macromolecules that can induce unwanted side effects, homeopathic remedies are without side effects because they are extremely dilute, at some strengths so dilute that no molecule of the original substance is likely to be left in solution. The remedies are repeatedly diluted and "succussed", or shaken vigorously with each dilution, to increase their vibratory field. The remedies work by stimulating the body's own healing energy, rather like a tuning fork that sets disharmonious chords back on track.
"Like cures like," the principle on which homeopathy is based, actually originated long before vaccines. It was formulated by Paracelsus in the sixteenth century. Samuel Christian Hahnemann, M.D. (1755-1843), the German physician who founded homeopathy, reformulated the principle in 1795, a year before Jenner made his cowpox vaccine discovery premised on the same theory.
Dr. Hahnemann was the first practitioner to use remedies prophylactically. He found that a girl whom he had treated with homeopathic Belladonna for an unrelated problem did not develop scarlet fever when the rest of her family got it. Then he found that "provings" of homeopathic Belladonna fit the disease picture of that particular epidemic of scarlet fever, and that by administering Belladonna he could both prevent and cure the disease. Other homeopaths later found that the remedy Ailanthus could prevent scarlet fever. Lathyrus was found to work against polio, Mercurius Cyanthus against diphtheria, Baptisia against typhoid fever. Other remedies were found to be effective against measles, mumps, chicken pox, hepatitis, and so forth.1
Homeopathy became the rage in Europe after cholera swept the Continent early in the nineteenth century. Hahnemann advocated the use of homeopathic Camphor to prevent or treat that disease at a time when he had never seen it but had only heard descriptions of its symptoms. The treatment proved to be remarkably successful. According to Julian Winston, editor in chief of Homeopathy Today, the mortality rate for cholera under conventional treatment in the 1830s was reported at between 40 percent and 80 percent. The mortality rate in London’s ten homeopathic hospitals during that decade was reported at 9 percent; in Bavaria, at 7 percent; in Russia, at 10 percent; and in Austria, at 33 percent (compared to 66 percent under conventional care).2
Cholera also swept the U.S. at that time, along with yellow fever, typhoid, and scarlet fever. When homeopathic treatment proved to be far more successful than conventional medicine in treating those epidemics, homeopathy spread like wildfire across the American continent. In 1844, the American Institute of Homeopathy was founded as the first national American medical society, preceding the American Medical Association (AMA) by several years.
Meanwhile, evidence for the effectiveness of homeopathic nosodes kept accumulating. In the United States during the 1850s, there were several epidemics of yellow fever in the southern states. Mortality from yellow fever using conventional medicine was reported at between 15 and 85 percent. Holcome and Davis, homeopaths in Natchez, reported a mortality of 6.43 percent and 5.73 percent, respectively, in yellow fever victims under homeopathic care during that period. In 1878 the mortality from the same epidemic in New Orleans was 50 percent under allopathic care versus 5.6 percent in 1,945 cases under homeopathic care.3 In the 1860s, a diphtheria epidemic struck. In the records of Broome County, New York, from 1862 to 1864, an 83.6 percent mortality rate was reported among victims treated conventionally, compared to a 16.4 percent mortality rate among those treated homeopathically.4
It could be argued that the disparity in these figures was due more to the nature of nineteenth century conventional treatment, with its emphasis on bloodletting and mercury compounds, than to the virtues of homeopathy itself. But homeopathy continued to score successes in the twentieth century. Its remarkable performance during the influenza epidemic of 1918 was reported in detail in an article in the May 1921 Journal of the American Institute for Homeopathy. Dr. T. A. McCann, of Dayton, Ohio, reported that 24,000 cases of flu treated allopathically had a mortality rate of 28.2 percent, while 26,000 cases of flu treated homeopathically had a mortality rate of 1.05 percent. The latter figure was supported by Dean W.A. Pearson of Philadelphia, who recorded the results of 26,795 cases of flu treated homeopathically. In Connecticut, 30 physicians reported 6,602 cases treated homeopathically with 55 deaths, or less than 1 percent.5
Nosodes also performed well in a number of twentieth century polio epidemics. In a 1956-58 study, a researcher named Heisfelder gave Lathyrus to over 6,000 children, in whom no cases of polio and no side effects were reported. Grimmer, a homeopath in Chicago, gave it to 5,000 young children, none of whom developed polio. In a polio epidemic in Buenos Aires in 1975, Lathyrus was given to 40,000 people with the same 100 percent success rate.
- M. Zacharias, "Nosodes", Natural Rearing Newsletter (January 1996).
- J. Winston, "Historical Perspective", National Center for Homeopathy, www.homeopathic.org (2001), citing T. Bradford, M.D., The Logic of Figures (1900), F. Humphreys, Cholera and Its Homeopathic Treatment (1849), and many other books.
- J. Winston, op. cit., citing Holcome, Yellow Fever and Its Homeopathic Treatment (1856) and C. Neidhard, The Efficacy of Crotalus Horridus in Yellow Fever (1860).
- T. Bradford, op. cit.
- J. Winston, op. cit.
This is a 7 part detox program. (If weight loss is desired this is coupled with my hCG protocol). Each bottle is $22.00
CerebroMax - utilizes Desbiochord dilution principles to balance the brain's key information drivers, the neurotransmitters, while employing diluted suis brain tissue to focus the effect of those ingredients specifically to the brain. In addition, patients suffering from emotional issues, chemical brain imbalances, depression, significant stress, or similar types of issues will see direct benefit with Cerebromax. Aids in sleep issues, emotional, nervous or memory disorders.
SpinalMax - is designed to focus on all functions and physiology that is the responsibility of the spine to perform, especially the movement and flow of information. Every patient under chiropractic care should utilize this formula in order to achieve the maximum benefit and longevity of their chiropractic adjustment, traction, laser therapy or massage. Aids in allergy related symptoms related to a blocked spine including spasm, pain, anxiety, nervousness and the inability to hold chiropractic adjustments.
Detox I - is for patients needing to cleanse their liver and GI tract. It is definitely important in detoxification of toxins that pass through the liver specifically and then the remedy aids in general toxin drainage. Aids symptoms related to a congested Liver and Gastrointestinal tract including bloating, flatulence, diarrhea, constipation, fatigue, and symptoms from excessive and improper eating and drinking.
Detox II - is for patients needing to cleanse their Urinary System specifically the kidneys so that Detoxification and Drainage of those toxins needing elimination by the renal route are optimized. It will also optimize symptoms due to delayed renal function in general. Aids relief of symptoms related to a weakened and congested urinary system including frequency, fluid retention, swelling back pain, urgency, burning and fatigue.
Detox III - increases the functions of the Pituitary / Adreno axis as it relates to the immune and lymphatic systems promoting increased benefit to the immune and endocrine systems. Aids relief of symptoms related to a weakened immune system including frequent and recurrent infections, fatigue, swelling, mental sluggishness and symptoms related to chemical exposure.
Matrix Support - helps with symptoms related to congestion of the interstitial matrix, enabling the proper absorption of key minerals needed for hormone production and the passage of key nutrients and byproducts across the matrix into and out of cell membranes. Aids relief of symptoms related to congested metabolic pathways including diarrhea, constipation, headaches, depression, lung congestion, irritated eyes, allergies, chronic inflammation and indigestion.
Energy Catalyst - is important in promoting the proper utilization of minerals to maintain proper energy utilization and flow. It also assists in eliminating toxic heavy metals. Aids in relief of symptoms related to adrenal fatigue related to mineral excesses and/or deficiencies, chronic infections, fatigue, hormone deficiencies and circulatory imbalances.
This is a 7 part detox program. (If weight loss is desired this is coupled with my hCG protocol). Each bottle is $22.00
CerebroMax - utilizes Desbiochord dilution principles to balance the brain's key information drivers, the neurotransmitters, while employing diluted suis brain tissue to focus the effect of those ingredients specifically to the brain. In addition, patients suffering from emotional issues, chemical brain imbalances, depression, significant stress, or similar types of issues will see direct benefit with Cerebromax. Aids in sleep issues, emotional, nervous or memory disorders.
SpinalMax - is designed to focus on all functions and physiology that is the responsibility of the spine to perform, especially the movement and flow of information. Every patient under chiropractic care should utilize this formula in order to achieve the maximum benefit and longevity of their chiropractic adjustment, traction, laser therapy or massage. Aids in allergy related symptoms related to a blocked spine including spasm, pain, anxiety, nervousness and the inability to hold chiropractic adjustments.
Detox I - is for patients needing to cleanse their liver and GI tract. It is definitely important in detoxification of toxins that pass through the liver specifically and then the remedy aids in general toxin drainage. Aids symptoms related to a congested Liver and Gastrointestinal tract including bloating, flatulence, diarrhea, constipation, fatigue, and symptoms from excessive and improper eating and drinking.
Detox II - is for patients needing to cleanse their Urinary System specifically the kidneys so that Detoxification and Drainage of those toxins needing elimination by the renal route are optimized. It will also optimize symptoms due to delayed renal function in general. Aids relief of symptoms related to a weakened and congested urinary system including frequency, fluid retention, swelling back pain, urgency, burning and fatigue.
Detox III - increases the functions of the Pituitary / Adreno axis as it relates to the immune and lymphatic systems promoting increased benefit to the immune and endocrine systems. Aids relief of symptoms related to a weakened immune system including frequent and recurrent infections, fatigue, swelling, mental sluggishness and symptoms related to chemical exposure.
Matrix Support - helps with symptoms related to congestion of the interstitial matrix, enabling the proper absorption of key minerals needed for hormone production and the passage of key nutrients and byproducts across the matrix into and out of cell membranes. Aids relief of symptoms related to congested metabolic pathways including diarrhea, constipation, headaches, depression, lung congestion, irritated eyes, allergies, chronic inflammation and indigestion.
Energy Catalyst - is important in promoting the proper utilization of minerals to maintain proper energy utilization and flow. It also assists in eliminating toxic heavy metals. Aids in relief of symptoms related to adrenal fatigue related to mineral excesses and/or deficiencies, chronic infections, fatigue, hormone deficiencies and circulatory imbalances.
Body Language and Holistic Health
The holistic health approach addresses mind, body and spirit. To a certain degree we are three people in one with unique, intertwining complexities. Ancient Chinese and Ayurvedic modes of healing note that chronic health problems manifest themselves in specific areas based on emotional/physical/spiritual connections. At times it is difficult to determine a root cause for illness, as the bond between these areas has merged unaware.
The holistic health approach addresses mind, body and spirit. To a certain degree we are three people in one with unique, intertwining complexities. Ancient Chinese and Ayurvedic modes of healing note that chronic health problems manifest themselves in specific areas based on emotional/physical/spiritual connections. At times it is difficult to determine a root cause for illness, as the bond between these areas has merged unaware.
Lung Kidneys Bladder and Gallbladder Liver Sinus Heart Rectum and Ileo Cecal Valve Breast Pancreas Stomach and Intestines |
Emotional Response
Unresolved grief Fear Anger Rage Uncried tears Love denied Not letting go of the past Lack of care for self and nourishment Jealousy, feeling victimized or being too sweet Suffering and fighting change |
Physical placement of an imbalance on the body is also revealing.
Left side
Right side Front Back Inner legs and arms Outer arms, legs and sides of body |
With the knowledge of above examples a more expansive approach can be taken in addressing chronic healthcare. The information offers additional insight and does not imply that a correlation will always be present. Alternately, it may be a matter of time for these aspects to surface and/or be accepted by a health client.